Fime selected by BancNet to boost Instant Payments in the Philippines. Septembre 24, 2024


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Test tool / L1 test tool

NFC RF test bench solutions.

Pre-validate your NFC products to get to market faster.

Contactless analog and digital testing following EMVCo, NFC Forum, ISO and CEN specifications for development, pre-compliance and compliance of NFC products.

NFC RF test bench solutions.

Get your contactless solution approved by the latest specifications.

Fime offers a portfolio of contactless analog and digital test bench solutions to enable the development of your innovative payment and smart mobility products in line with current industry requirements.

These solutions birth from a long-term partnership between the leading electronic manufacturer NI and Fime as a software and test suites developer, also leading integrator of accredited testing tools.

Used everyday in accredited Fime labs to perform formal type approval testing, our experts work with you to accelerate your product design with confidence through these test bench solutions.


Key benefits

  • Be confident in the preparation of your product by using qualified tools developed by the two leaders of contactless testing market.

  • Accelerate the preparation of your product's certification by using the same tool as in the laboratory.

  • Save +75% of testing time thanks to the NI's new emulator CTSIII. 

Key features

  • EMVCo and NFC Forum test benches are qualified tools.

  • Easy, convenient and single MPManager platform to access all functionnalities of the full test bench series.

  • Fime offers assistance with installation and use of the tools to get results faster. 

How it works.

Analog and digital test benches comprise NI's hardware to generate and record signals and Fime's software to analyze and provide verdicts. If required, a positioning robot can also be supplied. 



  • EMV contactless v3.2a PICC Analog

  • EMV contactless v3.2a PICC Digital

  • EMV contactless v3.2a Mobile Performance

  • EMV contactless v3.1 PCD Analog and COTS

  • EMV contactless v3.1 PCD Digital

  • EMV contactless v3.1 IQ load modulation

  • NFC Forum CR13 Analog

  • NFC Forum CR13 Digital

  • NFC Forum CR13 LLCP

  • NFC Forum CR13 SNEP

  • NFC Forum CR13 Tag performance

  • NFC Forum CR13 Tag functionnal

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