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Smart Tachograph Card test tools

Supporting reliable smart tachograph use.

Test and/or verify the personalization, functioning and regulatory conformance of a Smart Tachograph card. 

Smart Tachograph Card test tools

Verify your smart tachograph cards using dedicated test applications.

It is very important to ensure Smart Tachograph Card contain the proper data and function as expected. The Smart Tachograph Card test tools are designed to help smart tachograph card manufacturers or personalizers, as well as OEMs or EU Member States, test and / or verify the personalization, functioning and regulatory conformance of a smart tachograph card.

With the introduction of Smart Tachograph Card Generation 2 Version 2 (Gen2-v2) in 2021, the Smart Tachograph Card test tools now support both Gen2-v1 and Gen2-v2.

Key benefits

  • Shorten your time to market.

  • Verify conformance and interoperability.

  • Easy-to-use user interface.

  • Clear feedback and reporting.

  • Available for Gen2-v1 and Gen2-v2. 

Key features

Smart Tachograph Card test tools portfolio comprises dedicated hardware and software components for testing smart tachograph cards:

  • Smart Tachograph Card Functional test tool (STCF).

  • Smart Tachograph Card Personalization Validation tool (STCPV).
  • Smart Tachograph Card Helpdesk tool (STCH).

How it works.

Smart Tachograph Card test tools portfolio comprises dedicated hardware and software components for testing the functionality, interoperability and personalization of smart tachograph cards.


What's in the box.

Any of the following products can be selected:
  • Smart Tachograph Card Functional test tool (STCF).

  • Smart Tachograph Card Personalization Validation tool (STCPV).

  • Smart Tachograph Card Helpdesk tool (STCH).



Smart Tachograph Card Functional test tool (STCF)

  • STCF provides an easy-to-use test environment for all four types of smart tachograph cards involved in the first- and second-generation EU tachograph system. It covers all electronically executable tests necessary for the functional testing required for type approval, and it includes tests for interoperability and security testing.
    STCF checks whether tachograph cards fully comply with Annex 1C specifications of the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/1228. By sending commands to the smart tachograph card under test, the STCF automatically evaluates the card’s response to these commands. The tool documents all steps in each test case in human-readable format, including references to the relevant requirements in Annex 1C. Based on a card’s characteristics, the STCF automatically determines which test cases apply to the card under test and run only the applicable test cases.STCF runs on Conclusion Test Manager and uses the SmartLink Box hardware.

Smart Tachograph Card Personalization Validation tool (STCPV) 

  • Checks the presence of all necessary data and cryptographic keys in the chip.

  • Verifies the correctness of access conditions to all elementary files in both applications.

  • Checks for correct initial data in the files, i.e., that the cards are unused.

  • Available for both Gen2-v1 and Gen2-v2.

Use the STCPV for testing smart tachograph cards personalized with test keys as well as digital tachograph cards personalized with production keys, using a PC/SC reader.


Smart Tachograph Card Helpdesk tool (STCH)

Cards must function correctly and comply with EU Commission Implementation Regulations. Sooner or later, used cards will return from the field with error complaints. HDT verifies that the returned smart tachograph card functions, analyzes data written to the smart tachograph card and reports on which structures on the card contain data that does not comply with regulations regarding smart tachograph cards. Each time you use the HDT to check the personalization of a tachograph card, it produces two reports:

  • A high-level report in HTML format, which you can save as a PDF document. 

  • A detailed test report that shows all results on the byte level and shows the exact location of any personalization errors in the card under test.

STCH uses a PC / SC reader as hardware.


Download our technical specifications sheets for more information.

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