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Visa ADVT & VpTT.

How to achieve Visa europe acceptance quickly and efficiently.

[TRTL303] Visa ADVT &amp; VpTT.

Course overview

This training course provides an overview of Visa’s Acquirers Device Validation Toolkit (ADVT) and Visa’s payWave Test Tool kit (VpTT) which is dedicated to european acquirers, and offers insight and guidance on the associated testing and acceptance processes.


  • How to achieve Visa acceptance quickly and efficiently.

  • Understand Visa terminal acceptance and both the ADVT and VpTT processes.  

  • Identify all impacts of Visa process. 

Key topics

  • What is Acquirer Device Validation Toolkit (ADVT)?

  • When to perform ADVT?

  • What is Visa payWave Test Tool kit (VpTT)?

  • When to perform VpTT?



  • Visa acceptance processes.

  • What is Visa Acquirer Device Validation Toolkit (ADVT)?

  • When to perform ADVT?

  • Testing set up with Visa.

  • ADVT process.


  • What is Visa payWave Test Toolkit (VpTT)?

  • When to perform VpTT?

  • VpTT process.

  • How to submit your results to Visa via the Chip Compliance Reporting Tool (CCRT).

Course details


1 day.


10 max.


Acquiring banks, project managers, technical managers and terminal Integration testers.


Basic knowledge on EMV, payment domains and terminals.

Training pack

It includes a binder, notebook, pen, USB key and your official certificate.

Added benefits

Stay in contact with your Fime trainer, following your session for continued support and insight. 

Be part of Fime’s trainee community and stay up to date with the latest technological developments.

Receive an official Fime certificate to recognize your participation. 


For any specific requests, please contact us.

Détails de la formation


1 jour.

Effectif plancher / plafond

Entre 3 et 10 participants max.


Toute personne souhaitant comprendre le processus d'acceptance niveau 3 de Visa en France et en Europe, en mode contact et sans contact.


Bonnes connaissances de base de la transaction contact et/ou sans contact.


Frédéric Guerra / Jocelyn Chirat

Référent pédagogique

Référent handicap

Claude Gilquin
+33 6 83 89 18 84

Kit de formation

Il comprend un classeur avec les supports de formation imprimés, un bloc-notes, un stylo, une clé USB et votre certificat.

Avantages complémentaires

Après votre formation, restez en contact avec votre intervenant pour bénéficier de conseils et d'autres informations. 

Faites partie de la communauté Fime sur les réseaux sociaux et suivez les dernières évolutions technologiques.

Recevez un certificat pour valider votre participation.


Evaluation formative et sommative. 


Download our flyer to get the detailed program.

Dedicated training course

To organize a dedicated training session in your premises for your staff only, please request a quote.

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from defining, designing to delivering and testing your products
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