Certification processes for issuers (Mastercard and Visa).
Helping issuers understand the Mastercard and Visa certification processes.
Course overview
This training course is designed to inform issuers banks about the Mastercard and Visa certification processes. It also offers guidance on each step of the integration process for issuers looking to implement new cards.
Understand the Mastercard integration process.
Understand the Visa integration process.
Identify the challenges at each stage of the certification process.
Key topics
What is an EMV® migration for card?
Step-by-step account of the Visa Integration Process for issuers.
Step-by-step account of the Visa Integration Process.
Mandatory and optional services.
What is an EMV® migration for card?
The Mastercard Integration Process for Issuer.
Mastercard Profile Advisor and Profile Convertor Tools.
The Visa Integration Process for issuer.
Course details
1 day.
Issuer who wants to master the implementation of a new card, in the Mastercard and Visa environments.
Basic knowledge of payment, terminal and card systems.
Completion of the “Payment Ecosystem introduction” training would be an advantage.
Tracking pack
It includes a binder, a notebook, a pen, a USB key and a certificate.
Added benefits
Stay in contact with your Fime trainer after the session for continued support and insight
Become part of Fime’s trainee community and stay up to date with the latest technological developments
Receive an official Fime certificate in recognition of your participation.
Visit our
web site for more information about our training services.
For any specific requests, please contact us.
Formative and summative assessment.
Détails de la formation
1 jour.
Emetteur voulant comprendre les processus Mastercard et Visa pour l’implémentation d’une nouvelle carte, ainsi que l’outil à utiliser pour la certification.
Connaissances de base de l’écosystème des moyens de paiement. La participation à la formation « EMV – Introduction à l’écosystème » serait un plus.
Claude Gilquin
Référent pédagogique
Référent handicap
Claude Gilquin
+33 6 83 89 18 84
Kit de formation
Il comprend un classeur avec les supports de formation imprimés, un bloc-notes, un stylo, une clé USB et votre certificat.
Avantages complémentaires
Après votre formation, restez en contact avec votre intervenant pour bénéficier de conseils et d'autres informations.
Faites partie de la communauté Fime sur les réseaux sociaux et suivez les dernières évolutions technologiques.
Recevez un certificat pour valider votre participation.
500 euros HT par personne et par jour (prix public).
Evaluation formative et sommative.
Download our flyer to get the detailed program.
Dedicated training course
To organize a dedicated training session in your premises for your staff only, please request a quote.