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Fime joins the Berlin Group’s NextGenPSD2 Advisory Board.

September 26, 2019

Fime joins the Berlin Group’s NextGenPSD2 Advisory Board.

Fime has joined the Berlin Group’s NextGenPSD2 Advisory Board, a pan-European technical standardization body. Additionally, Fime is participating in NISP, which supports the implementation of the NextGenPSD2 XS2A interface, as defined by Berlin Group and in compliance with PSD2. Fime’s expertise will guide the stakeholders of the group’s open banking API standard in defining and testing efficient implementation solutions.

Berlin Group NextGenPSD2 is working to define common scheme -and processor- independent standards for all payments stakeholders. NextGenPSD2 Implementation Support Program aims to simplify the path to compliance with the revised European Payments Directive. It facilitates the delivery of innovative new services.

Input from across the industry is essential to ensure we meet implementation, regulatory and market needs. Fime is a long-time supporter of payments standardization efforts, and has already demonstrated its API testing expertise on a number of open-banking projects. Its insights will therefore be invaluable to our NextGenPSD2 efforts.
Arnaud Crouzet
Wijnand Machielse at Berlin Group

“PSD2 is top of the agenda in European banking. And with such complex requirements, initiatives like the Berlin Group offer a simple, secure and harmonized way to achieve compliance,” comments Arnaud Crouzet, VP of Security and Consulting at FIME. “FIME is perfectly placed to support this important work, and help each player in the ecosystem to define, design, deploy and validate quality open banking API solutions.”

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