Fime supports fight against identity fraud with FIDO ID verification accreditations March 12, 2025

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Strong Customer Authentication (SCA): why, when, how?

Improve security without affecting the payment experience.

Strong Customer Authentication (SCA): why, when, how?

What’s in the white paper?

With new channels, payment methods and checkout journeys emerging, securing transactions has become a crucial issue for customer protection. 

Our white paper (french only) explores how the Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) guidelines aim to improve security without impacting the checkout experience. 

What you will learn

  • Steps for securing payments.

  • The first PSD1 directive. 

  • The second PSD2 directive.

  • EMV 3-D Secure protocol.

  • Principles of strong authentication.

  • Fields of application.

  • The migration plan and its implementation.

  • Soft decline.

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